Jennifer Wells

Coaching for Neurodivergent Teens and Adults

Virtual Coaching in the United States and Internationally

Who I Coach

  • People who have been diagnosed with or suspect ADHD, Autism, or NVLD

  • People who can relate to being a neurodivergent human for any reason

Common Areas of Focus

Academics (middle, high school, and college)




Topics addressed in coaching may include:

  • Starting and/or completing tasks at home, work, or school

  • Trouble organizing and/or cleaning physical spaces

  • Self-care

  • Staying up too late/not waking up on time

  • Impulsive decisions

  • Wondering, “If I’m so smart, why can’t I __________ ?”

  • Hearing, “You’re so intelligent. Why can’t you just ________?”

  • Opening and responding to email or texts

  • Under or over-estimating how long something will take to complete

  • Missing deadlines

  • Managing time

  • Prioritizing

  • Completing large projects, assignments, or papers

  • Rabbit holes (i.e., being distracted by thoughts, ideas, interests, etc.)

  • Feeling overwhelmed, anxious, or depressed (or all three)

  • Procrastination

  • Feelings of shame in connection to being misunderstood

  • Sensitivity to noise, smell, light, mood and more

  • Communicating with partners, friends, co-workers, and instructors

  • Having a limited number of spoons

When a strategy isn’t working or procrastination occurs, that’s not a personal flaw - that’s information. In coaching, we use that information to better understand your preferences, needs, and how you learn. Together, we identify what makes sense for you.


Book a free consultation today.